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The Weekly Trop 40
Quick Summer Hygiene Check: On which side of your mouth do you start brushing your teeth?
Central Youth Movement
Jak co roku, podczas Summer Reader’s Days to Wasza opinia jest dla nas najważniejsza, abyśmy mogli przygotować możliwie najciekawsze i najbardziej róźnorodne propozycje :) Stąd pytanie (klikajcie śmiało, więcej niż jedna odpowiedź też jest mile widziana!). Po co najczęściej sięgacie, gdy macie ochotę poczytać? Jeśli macie swoich innych ulubieńców, śmiało dajcie znać!
What is your preferred time to play heading into summer?
Point Walter Golf Course
Should I make a “gofundme” page OR allow my subscribers to make PayPal donations? (I’m trying to grow my channel & the equipment I need too do so is MAD EXPENSIVE & I can’t invest in it yet due to HUGE plans I have this summer!)
Amana Melanie
In a dilemma.. Not sure which to do this summer. Renew my Hershey Park pass or get a pool membership in my community. Both cost pretty much the same. I need help and can't do both. What would you do?
Sherrie Harvey
I was thinking of putting on some kids movie nights at Hullabaloo over the summer holidays! I was wondering who thinks this would be a good idea? It would be ticketed with snacks and drink included.
Hullabaloo Jungle Play
Which Language Indian Users use in their Mobiles?
Atul Gautam
Right Now - Your Choice For Mayor Of Clarksville, Tennessee?
Sannablue Media
Surf Fitness is back on Saturday mornings from 10am.... When do you want it?
Surf Steps
What would you like to see The Marsh Harrier put on through the Summer?
The Marsh Harrier
When smoke is in your face from a bonfire do you say “I hate rabbits!” Or “I hate white rabbits”?
Brooklyn Elaine
buy 40 Foot RV, homeschool and travel the states and Canada. Or settle where we are until next summer after school.
Craig Taylor
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