Search Results
Who are you supporting for POTUS?
Prosecute Obama and his lackeys
If Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the soon to be nominees, would you vote for a third party candidate instead in November?
Joe Rosa
2016 President elections
Barry Mycokinmee
Who is the most insulted Prime Minister/President of Pakistan?
Between Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for this November?
Richard Whitenight
Who will you be voting for in the US Presidential Election?
Van Thieu
ما برأيك الحل للتخلي عن الزعامات والطاقم السياسي الحالي ؟
Who should be the next president?
Josh Osband
Who are you pulling for?
Shotgun Shane
Would You Add Your Vote4Peace in 2016? Global Voters Welcome #WeVote4Peace
Patrick Michael Thomas
Who are you voting for President?
Jay Dezzer
Will You Vote4 a Dept or Minister of Peace? Global Voters Invited See
Who will you vote for President? US citizens, and registered voters only.
Justin Adkins
If the United States Presidential Election were held today who would you vote for ?
Richard Dickenson
Presidential Poll: Ewert, Hillary, or Trump for President?
New Jerusalem Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ
Who do you believe will win the United States Presidential election?
Oliver de Nicolai
What will you remember most from the Presidential Debate? (click all that apply)
Shynique Bennett
Who won the 1st Presidential Debate?
Michael Isler
In the upcoming presidential race I feel:
Michael Drew
If the Presidential election were held today, which candidate would you vote for?
Shawn Zents
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