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Vote For This Week's Top 'Trop Rock' Songs (Choose 'Other' If You Don't See Your Choice)
Vote For This Week's Top 'Trop Rock' Songs (Choose 'Other' If You Don't See Your Choice)
The Weekly Trop 40
Eminem And Kid Rock Went To An NBA Game Last Night. The Crowd’s Response Said It All. Who do you pick?
Terry Thomas
Eagles, the last few weeks, the Eagle Leadership team has worked diligently to evolve our mission and vision statement. We're not perfect by any means, but I'm proud of what the team has come up with. Here's our new vision: We guarantee the lethality of Liberty Wing airpower to own the skies and strike at will. And here's our new mission: We enable combat airpower, while preparing for the next generation of warfare. We still need your help with one more issue. We need a new catch phrase or slogan that highlights our vision and mission. Here's what we've got so far. Please either vote on the ones below or propose a new one:
48th Operations Support Squadron
How Do I deal with being assaulted by an angry little bassist on camera in front of 200 people because he didnt like that his singer shared the mic with me
tom bowker
What type of music do want to hear next from SUPERNOVA
In your opinion, which segment of our radio station spins the best indie music?
Galactic Rule Radio
En cual lugar prefieren un concierto con Golden Ganga en el Estado de México?
Golden Ganga
Which track is your favorite?
Generals of Monrovia
What do you think should happen to Lucille? (BB King's Gibson ES-355 Lucille model)
Cliff Merrill
Na jaký fesťák se chystáte Fakkanas?
When S∆INT ∆SONI∆ releases their album, do you plan on getting it immediately?
When S∆INT ∆SONI∆ releases their album, do you plan on getting it immediately?
SAINT ASONIA Headquarters
What is your favorite music genre?
The Daily Music Break
Would you pay for a special edition magazine, either online or print, that contains hundreds of original, never before seen photos, reviews, and interviews of musicians, bands, and artists, including coverage of festivals and events like Mayhem and Ozzfest, as well as other great concert events that happened over the last 15 years?
Moving Mountains Kennel
I really want to do a full instrumental rock cover of either of these two songs! But I can't decide which to do first! Which would you guys want to see more?
Sage Rhys
Which song would you like to hear next?
Ostentatious Zombies
Which is the best album by Indian artists recently?
Which hairstyle would make you date Joel?
Which hairstyle would make you date Joel?
Dirty Dealers
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