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How much would you be willing to pay monthly for our services to truly charge your phone wirelessly over any Wi-Fi connection?
WiFi Power
What should Adelaide's priorities be as a smart city?
Adelaide Smart City Studio
• Do you think that important websites like Wikipedia should be forced to pay so that others won’t be able to put ads on it?
Do You Want know about.....Hadoop & Big Data...???
Shiwani Verma
What does a city need in order to create a healthy starts ecosystem?
PluggedIn HQ
What type of services would you like to see us offer at STG?
Small Town Global, Inc.
Students, how often do your parents talk with you about cybersecurity and the importance of being safe online?
The White Hatter
What events do you visit?
Would you buy an adapter/add-on which allows you to play old hard copies of a video game on new consoles? (Example: Cartridge reader for Wii U that allows you to play old NES, SNES, N64 games)
Andrés José Muñoz Rodriguez
Do you love development.?
Tri Infotech
What is the social media channel that you engage with the most?
Kids, Cops & Computers
If you lost your business data, do you feel comfortable that your existing backup solution would save the day?
Where would you like our mobile service to visit next (postcode)?
Insilico Valley
What was moment of 2016 in India?
UR GeekyNeighbor
Which upcoming smartphone excites you more?
Chaitanya MyAssets
According to you Which is the best Device for internet usage?
Which OS based Smartphone is Right for You?
Which is your favorite mobile brand?
What Should Our First Video Blog Be About?
Done Wright Technology
Where would you install a USB charger outlet in your home?
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