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Who is winning Bihar?
APN News
ما هو تقييمك حول إستعمالات بطاقة التعريف البيومترية والإلكترونية ؟
الجريدة التقنية
बिहार में किसकी बनेगी सरकार?
Dainik Bhaskar
Vote For Your Political Party.
PTI Tarnol UC 47 Islamabad Offical
If the presidential election were today which party's candidate would you vote for?
Zachary Jones
Would you rather your president be popular at home or globally?
David Berthelette
Should our Marketer Prime Minister Narendra Modi fire the non-performers at #BiharPoll?
Amardeep Kaushal
Hallitus sallii Suomen tuhoamisen haittamaahanmuutolla ja vastoin Dublinin sopimusta maahan päästettyjen valepakolaisten palautukset eivät ole käynnistyneet. Vastaanottokeskuksissa varaudutaan vuosien mittaiseen toimintaan. Haluatko että Suomen kansa tekee tarvittaessa yleislakolla rauhanomaisen mielenilmauksen maamme turvallisen tulevaisuuden puolesta? Kasvava joukko toimijoita kuten esimerkiksi James Hirvisaaren 'Suomi seis! -liike', ovat kyseistä asiaa jo ajaneet.
JP Niemi
Who is the tollywood no.1 in TRP
Prince mahesh babu
And we
Anthony Madaffari
Jokes portraying Sikhs as Idiots, Foolish and Illiterate. Does it HURT?
Kalgidhar Trust - Baru Sahib
Ko će biti novi načelnik u Gradišci?
Moja-Gradiška Portal
Which Political Party Do you Identify With and Do You Vote?
Joseph Sherman
If you could choose any dream Mentor, who would it be?
Andy's Haven
Do you like Nawaz Sharif? Yes or No Please.
Atika Jamil
Will you endorse Prez John Mahama as flagbearer on 21 Nov 2015?
Majority Caucus
When do people randomly have miscarriges during janurary?
Richard Agosto
do you like or hate about this page
Rachael Amo-Mensah
Has the news about Ben Carson's portrait with Jesus changed your perception of the presidential hopeful?
Ana Cristina Mulero
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