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Ivvota għall-isbaħ gowl tax-xahar ta' Diċembru 2018 tal-Kampjonat Premier, f'rokna sponsorjata minn Bavaria Malta. Il-votazzjoni għandha miftuħa sa nhar l-Erbgħa, 6 ta' Frar 2019 f'nofs in-nhar.
Replay (Net Television)
How are you feeling about your 2018 tax return?
Joy Fujii Holcomb
Sikap Anda Terhadap Pemilu 17 April 2019
Relasi KPU Manokwari
آج 2018 کے انتخابات کو ایک سال پورا ہوا. کیا پی ٹی آئی کی حکومت آپ کی امیدوں پر اب تک پورا اتری؟
Waqas A. Khan
Should the World Cup be hosted in England in light of recent events?
England World Cup 2018
Mexico 2018, que sigue?
Ricardo Camacho
1 Můj favorit / favoritka na příštího prezidenta:
Český prezident 2018
Should NHL players participate in the 2018 Olympics?
Fans of the Winnipeg Jets
¿Por cuál de los siguientes candidatos a la Presidencia de la República votaría?
Hernando Zabaleta
Si las elecciones para la presidencia fueran mañana, ¿Por quién votaría?
John D. Hernández Rey
Who will you support in 2018 elections?
Ahmad Gilani
What charity/charities do you want to donate to for #MusicOnTheMoor 2018?
Timeless Occasions UK
Melyik európai nagyvárosba utaznál legszívesebben a 2018-as OKPV győzteseként?
OKPV - Országos Középiskolai Problémamegoldó Verseny
Sahabat, menurut Anda diantara simulasi pasangan Bakal Calon Walikota Banjar dan Wakil Walikota Banjar 2018-2023 berikut ini, manakah yang Anda pilih?
Ismail Muhammad Syahid - IMS
North Sydney Bears
*Play Day location for 2018!* After the poor weather putting a stop to our Play Day event this year we want to make sure it doesn't happen again. We are looking at alternative venues so we have a larger indoor area, but still has outdoor space for fun activities. Where would you like it be be held for 2018!?
Children and Families Team NPT
Who should I run the London Marathon 2018 for?
Alan Wesley Meyrick
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