Search Results
What evening would work best for a "Create & Take* project night?
Sewing and Fitting Mentor
Would you like to see more free fashion doll patterns?
Ruby's Fashion Doll World
Hello everyone, just a quick poll to see if you can make it to the next sewing class on Monday 26th?
Little Miss Posh Frocks
Art to Support a Writer
What Fursuit props would you like to see/own?
Kayla's Kritterz
What would be the best day for you to attend an evening class?
Hannah's Room
Would you like to take an African Garment Sewing Class?
Jai Lassiter
What kind of knitter are you??
Cygnet Yarns Ltd
Per la Grande Jatte di Maggio 2016 quale tipologia di Costume a tema ti piacerebbe indossare ?
Missfroggy Styling Dress
You prefer to purchase handmade items that are...
Itchin' for some Stitchin'
What will you create with the Les Fleurs fabric collection from Cotton + Steel?
Let's Sew
Welke workshop zou je graag willen volgen?
Hari ito
What Is Your Favorite Fashion Era?
Sew News
Ok I have a really big decision to make today for my future printable patterns so I'm asking you which you prefer, would you rather the sizes on your corset patterns were nested or individual?
Corset Making
Would you be buy a dog walking cossbody bag in paw print fabric?
Astronomygirl Designs
What is top of your wishlist of TECH TOOLS for ARTISTS?
Which tutorial would you like to see first?
Nice N Nerdy Cosplay
Which name do you like best for my business?
Katie Farnham
Which free tutorial should I make?
Mermaid Mama Designs
Welche Aurelia oder welcher Aurelio gefällt euch am Besten?
My Little Ladybird
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