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Is baby Barnett a boy or a girl?
Jillian Barnett
Baby Kufa is almost here and the question on everyones mind is, "boy or girl?" So something for the Facebook family...let us know what you think the sex is going to be. Remember, you won't know until we know :)
Israel Montfort Gray-Kufa
So, I've got a little something up my sleeve but I need to know which of the following DC superheroes is your favorite?
Becki Lodge Bailey
What date works best for my dads 70th birthday party!!! Dont tell him
Shelby Sweigert
What theme do you like for a surprise 40th birthday?
Taylored Events
We are holding our very first auction on mid November! Just ready for CHRISTMAS! Which are the items that’s in your mind for aution?
Shopping 5.25
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