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Who will win Oscar for Best Actor?
¿Quién ganará el Oscar al Mejor Actor?
Ramón Guzmán Castillo
¿Quién crees que será el Mejor Actor en los Oscars?
മലയാളത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും മികച്ച നായകന് ആര് ???
MadCap Pictures Entertainment
Salman Khan - Is he paying price for being a CELEBRITY???
Salman Khan Behind the bars.. Justified or Not?
Should there be separate Best Actor Oscars for men and women?
It's all gone Shane Long
2019-ന്റെ ആദ്യ പകുതിയിൽ മികച്ച നടൻ ആര് ?
Cinema Pranthan
Which Korean artist(s) would you like to see in Singapore?
Whom do you think will be Tisca Chopra's perfect onscreen co-star ?
Tisca Chopra
Ki a kedvenc színészed?
Boglarka Kovacs
Will India see next big superstar like Shahrukh Khan or Salman Khan in next 5 years
Will India see next superstar like Shahrukh Khan or Salman Khan in next 5 years ?
Will ndia see next big superstar like Shahrukh Khan or Salman Khan in next 5 years ?
Will India see next bollywood superstar like Salman Khan or Shahrukh Khan in next 5 years ?
Which Films have you seen? (You can select more than one)
Official Spencer Wilding
Какой персонаж получился наиболее правдоподобным (Монологи на русском)? Which character in your opinion is more plausible (Monologues in russian)?
Which character in your opinion is more plausible (Monologues in english)? / Какой персонаж получился наиболее правдоподобным (Монологи на английском)?
Nazar Brynzyanik
Can you gues this Actor?? He is playing a role of superhero in his upcoming movie and he is best dancer too??
Can you guess this Actor?? He is playing a role of superhero in his upcoming movie and he is best dancer too??
Charu Fashions India
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