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How do you rate Webolixe Website Package?
Do you think that below RM400,000 property is affordable in Selangor?
GoodBuy Property
What do you think is an affordable price for regular 50 minute Skype sessions for business tutoring / coaching?
Which issues are most important to you? What would you like the Democratic Presidential Candidates to address in the next round of debates, taking place at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, July 30-31?
AARP Michigan
Would you purchase this stylish bag?
Would you purchase this stylish bag?
The Pet's Cafe
What should the restaurant be named?
Benjamin Schoedel
Do you think the NT Government is doing enough to help those over 65, downsize into more affordable accommodation?
Sam Wilks Real Estate
What is the average price you spend on ONE pair of brand new jeans?
Ashley Amber-Leigh
If BMP begins offering a $10/month gym membership for community members, would you join? Gym open anytime EXCEPT (5PM-8PM Monday-Friday)
Bench Mark Program
Would you like to have the option to preorder a gown for $199?
Lev Couture
Does the South Shore / Valley need a Children's Recreation Centre that operates year round?
Rob Shakespeare
Destress Express Spa Or Simply Panache Spa
Lateaia Price
Hi Brides-to-be! we need your input please. We are thinking of going online and cut our dress prices, will you as a bride buy your wedding dress online for $ 500 - $ 800 or would you prefer to go to an bridal shop and pay $ 1500+. The dresses are available to look at on our website Thanks for your vote!
Perfect Bride
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