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Choose the winner of our Public Painting Contest:
Art Zone Gallery
What are you most excited about seeing in the Library?
Milaan Be the Change
Aimeriez-vous gagner une toile lorsque les 1000 fans seront atteints?
Que diriez-vous d'un tirage, lorsque les 1000 fans seront atteints sur ma page?
En atelier avec Isabelle DAOUST/Artiste Intuitive
Which is YOUR favourite artwork for Film Africa 2016?
Film Africa
Alrighty. Narrowing down some choices for a name for my new business. I will be selling gemstones, preference on unique gems, my gemstone jewelry, and my paintings on FB live shows and vids. Fun, semi-involved contests will run as well, during shows. Here is what I have so far on ideas. Choose or suggest what you think would make a great name for this, please. Much appreciated!
Stephanie Fischer - Artist
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