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Theo các bạn, ST.319 ENTERTAINMENT nên tổ chức 2016 NATIONAL AUDITION tuyển chọn thực tập sinh tại địa điểm nào (ngoài Hà Nội và TP.HCM) nhỉ ?
ST.319 Entertainment
Какой персонаж получился наиболее правдоподобным (Монологи на русском)? Which character in your opinion is more plausible (Monologues in russian)?
Which character in your opinion is more plausible (Monologues in english)? / Какой персонаж получился наиболее правдоподобным (Монологи на английском)?
Nazar Brynzyanik
Does Kpop need foreign (non-Korean, non-Asian) talent?
Avance Entertainment
Which one would you rather hear at an audition?
Xander-Jaymes Le Petit
If you could be a fly on the wall for a discussion between Scot MacDonald and me, which would you find most interesting?
NH Klobuchar
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