Search Results
What SONGS do you want to SING at Texas Live Band Karaoke?
Texas Live Band Karaoke
Which name do you prefer for a band?
Uriah Carter
New band name?
Doug Mohr
OK friends, I need your help. My cousin and I are starting a new band (indie, roots music, bluegrass) and we need a band name! Here are a few ideas. Let me know which one you like best or add your own suggestions!
Shannon Hicks
The name of our band
Devon Hunter
Would you like if Riot Eyes changed its name to something involving Sloths?
Cody Hawks
This is a new band that we have put together and we do anything that the millennials would listen to. Essentially Pop, Rap, Hip Hop, Electro and Rock. You get a chance to name us through this online Poll. Your vote matters.
Debapriyo Bagchi
Out of the following two band names, which would you be more inclined to listen to just based off of the name?
Daniel Jacobs
Would you like if Riot Eyes changed its name to something involving Sloths?
Strangers Among Us
Which of our cover versions would you like to see us record on our next video?
Three Card Trick
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