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What is your Favourite Leeds Building?
Park Lane Homes Ltd
Have you ever worked in an office that has made you feel sick (Emotional or Physical)?
Riverina Building Certifiers & Consultants
Winnipeg Ghost Walk is thinking about summer tours and wants your opinion.
Winnipeg Ghost Walk
What’s your favorite architectural site in downtown Fort Worth?
Fort Worth Business Press
Jaké je Vaše oblíbené místo v Semilech, jaká je Vaše oblíbená osobnost Semil, víte o nějaké semilské raritě? Na tyto otázky odpovězte kliknutím na 1-15 políček s nabízenou odpovědí. Poté klikněte na veliké tlačítko a tím vyplněný dotazník odešlete. Omlouvám se, že je zadání v angličtině, ale českou verzi mi nenabídli. Současně děkuji, že jste se do ankety zapojili!
What type of events/content for 2017 interests you most? 2017年什麼類型的活動/內容是您最感興趣的呢?
seed 台灣永續能源環境專業協會
Everyone has different reasons when it comes to choosing either a new or older building. But ultimately it is about finding the right home for you. What is your opinion? Old or New?
PS-Property Services
What do you value most from good architecture?
Tommy Ray Manuel
Have you been inside a Loveless Porter-designed building?
Loveless Porter Architects
What limit should Penrith Council put on High Rise Buildings in the Nepean?
Nads J'carta
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