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What is the best way to tackle a bully?
Rights for Education
Στο σύγχρονο, απαιτητικό εργασιακό περιβάλλον, η καλλιέργεια των προσωπικών (Personal Skills) και Επαγγελματικών Δεξιοτήτων (Professional Skills), συνιστούν αναπόσπαστο τμήμα της επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης και προσωπικής ανάπτυξης. Παρακαλούμε, επιλέξετε ποιο/α από τα παρακάτω προτεινόμενα συναφή, καινοτόμα προγράμματα, θα σας ενδιέφερε να παρακολουθήσετε
Center of Academic Research and Studies (CEARS)
With the recent rise in cyber bullying, How many parents would be interested in a class, event or workshop for bullying support and/or information?
Rafael F Otero
Reactions to Netflix 13 Reasons Why?
Carla Welch
What type of workshops would you as a student or parent of a student like to see more of in our schools?
What type of workshops/programs would you like to see more of in your child’s Primary School or High School?
Cara Lynne
Has hecho "bullying" a alguien alguna vez?
Me gusta prevenir
¿Ha sufrido alguna vez de Bullying o matoneo en su colegio?
Programa de inteligencia emocional
A Toll Booth Operator for years takes money and provides change, and is paid $500.00 per week. The operator, with their own money, buys a machine that handles the tasks. Installs the machine, and observes it for a few days working perfectly. The operator goes home, while the machine does the job. Should the Toll Booth Operator still be paid?
Marc Stengel
Which is the most destroying social-issue in societies today, in your opinion?
Yassin Soudan
Can you trust someone you fear?
Lea Brovedani - The Trust Architect
What is/was your biggest fear in school?
Kevin Lauer
Have You Been Bullied Before? (Also Your Sexual Orientation if you're comfortable sharing)
Sydney Bryanna Williams-Coe
Tailgating, a form of bullying, yes or no.
Lonnie Rush
Which Topic Would You Like to Discuss During Lunch with Lawrence?
Creative Recruiters
In a 2014 survey conducted by CSP and the Ministry of Education, 98.4% of students indicated that they had experienced one or more forms of bullying or victimization within the last term. What do you think is the main cause of bullying in schools?
Citizen Security Programme (CSP) - Trinidad
It’s okay to shame people based on:
Tattletale Samurai
Out of all of you who have been bullied/have relatives in school who are/were bullied, do you feel like the school did everything it could to fix it/stop the bullying?
Miya Warbere
Fight for truth and expose injustice, bring awareness? Or Self Preservation, allow misconduct to continue?
Gayla Staael
Do you think public shaming is an effective form of punishment?
Marie Thompson
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