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Where is your favourite place to take kids in Cairo?
Maadi Messenger
Where are you most likely to invest?
When purchasing a home which are the most important factors for you (other than price)?
do you think there are currently enough organised social events where expats can meet Egyptians and enjoy food, drinks and music in Cairo?
Yana Manyuk
Do you approve of Sisi's performance so far?
Egypt's Political & Economic Frm Community
كيف ترى مستوى الخدمة فى كلاود 9 ؟
Cloud 9 Café
Which two factors are the most important ones when choosing a School for yout kids?
في ظل ما شاهدناه بالأمس من الجهد المبذول في المشاريع العملاقة بالعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة شارك برأيك: أي المشاريع التالية كانت أهم وأولى في التنفيذ في هذه المرحلة؟
محمد انور السادات - Mohamed Anwar El Sadat
Let's get to know where most of our customers located
N the kitchen
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