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How many Miles (1.6 Km) do you walk/run weekly?
Bfit - Love Yourself
Which factor makes it the most challenging for you to reach your health goals?
DTE Health
Do you Really think Organic food is Good for Health ?
Sowik Organic
Would you like to see what 2000 Calorie look like in local restaurants?
Hudson Race Timing
How many calories are on a gram of protein?
How many calories are in one gram of protein?
Do you think there should be a Midnight Kebab lock out???
What is your favourite summer-time flavour (for ice creams, juices, fruit salads, yogurts, frozen yogurts) ?
Sanhita Baruah : Pens and Pages
What is would be the EASIEST change you can make to your diet?
What is the EASIEST change you can make in your diet?
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