Search Results
Network Canada: Best Canada Day Street Hockey Tournament Name
Justin Gallego
Why do you want to come to the land of the maple leaf
Why do you want to come to the land of the maple leaf
What Is Your Favourite Canada Day Activity in Airdrie?
Tara Molina Real Estate Your Airdrie and Calgary Area Realtor
Immigrating to Canada? Which city would you choose?
Prepare for Canada
¿Qué opinas de las sanciones económicas impuestas por Canadá a Nicolás Maduro y otros altos cargos de Venezuela?
Lattin Magazine
Should the Edmonton Terrorist be deportred immediately to Somalia?
Bill Stenner
What stops you from getting yearly CPR training?
The First Aid Squad of Canada
Who do you think is going to win the main event?
Who do you think is going to win the main event?
Shoeless Joe's Sports Grill
If you had to cast your vote today...In this politcal climate...who would it be
Kyle Orvis
Which 2018 Miken Bat are you most looking forward to swinging this season?
Miken Canada
Will you vote for Kathleen Wynne?
Will you be voting for Kathleen Wynne in the upcoming election?
Dean Paquette
Name that Moose!
Ryan Duperron
Should our entire country (USA) legalize weed?
Tired of Bullshit
Which country will accept Asia Bibi on humanitarian ground?
Canada One TV
Une nouvelle ère pour la politique djiboutienne
Abdoulrazak Daher Meraneh
With the Federal Elections coming to Canada in October of 2019, who are you inclined to vote for?
Kevin Boudreau
Who has the strongest vision for Canada's future?
Ken Alexopoulos
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