Search Results
What 5 activities would you want your child (age 5-8 years) to learn.
Monica Goel-Singh
If I did a LIVE reading of my I Would Love You Even If books including two activities (that I do for school visits) would you watch with your kiddos?
Bucleigh Newton Kernodle
How much active play should be offered to Children?
AMRI Hospitals
Would you attend ‘dressing the tree’ and carols in Oakley Park? If so when would suit you best?
Oakley Park
Where is your favourite place to take kids in Cairo?
Maadi Messenger
Which location do you preffer for your upcomming summer camp in 2016?
Frolic Boonies Nature Camp
We would like your feedback/comments. We are considering allowing posts to this page by organisations, schools etc. who run activities/events for children, young people and their families 0 to 19 years (up to 25 years for those with a special educational need or disability). No business advertising would be allowed and posts would be limited and moderated. Please let us know if you would you like this or not by voting. Thank you.
Buckinghamshire Family Information Service
We are adding mobile workshops and parties to our list. Which activities would you be more interested in...
Child's Play - mobile craft shop
How much on average do you spend on weekly activities for your child? E.g. Swimming, dancing, music
Amber Rose Nolson
Where would you like a children's yoga class?? We're in Bodmin on Mondays and Thursdays but looking to expand into areas like Newquay, St Austell or any other area you'd like it!
Byrne Yoga Academy
This is for a grad school class on mobile health: Which of these services would you be willing to pay for as the parent of a child with exercise-induced asthma?
Shaina Cales
Our Music Together® Tuesday 5pm class in Blagnac is now full! Due to popular demand, we are adding a second class. Which time slot would you prefer?
Tiny Music Makers
What is your favourite Tots Disco Activity?
What is your Favourite Tots Disco Activity?
Tots Disco & Mama Disco
Select as many as you would like! Which children’s activities would you like to see at this year’s Nickel Days?
Nickel Days
Are you satisfied with the services that your Children’s Centre provides?
Silkmore Children's Centre.
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