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Vigneshwar Viki R
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Money Mailer Northern KY/Cincinnati
If there were a service that delivered groceries and accepted coupons and was able to get you all of the deals you receive now without you having to physically go to the store, would you use this service? If you would, please state how much you would pay per trip (in other answers). Thanks!
Aubrey Lamanna
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Tracker's Pet Supply
Vote for Your Favorite Jewelry- Win $5 coupon! (Which would you buy more of?)
Angeleia Designs
ITS HAPPENING! Monday the 20th, the new Frugally Fabulous Life is going LIVE!!! I've been creating TONS of content that I'm so proud of! Fitness, food, fashion, and more! Tell me, what do you want to see first?
Frugally Fabulous Life
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