Search Results
Побьёт ли «Алиса» абсолютный рекорд российского краудфандинга, поставленный крауд-кампанией фильма «Empire V» по роману Виктора Пелевина?! Оба проекта всё еще в процессе сбора и нам остаётся только гадать! А как читаете вы?
Should I use Kickstarter or GoFundMe to raise funds for a project?
Candice Bonner
Whats stopping you from submitting a pledge?
The Nepali
Millist rahastamisviisi sa eelistaksid ühe väiksema ridaelamute arendusprojekti finantseerimiseks?
So till now we have launched two Promos? Which one's your favorite?
Dooronir Nirola Poja
Which title gives you a solid idea of what our first Children's Book is about?
Artistic Rebuttal
Buongiorno #Woopers, oggi vorremmo coinvolgervi in un sondaggio, siamo curiosi di sapere se avete mai partecipato ad una campagna #crowdfunding. Aspettiamo i vostri click
WOOP food
Hello les Potirons, comment allez-vous ? Plein de (bonnes nouvelles) à venir sur le projet Lady Marmelade dans les semaines/mois à venir. Que préférez-vous pour la fréquence des newsletters ?
Lucie Béluga
PIMP MY SOUP - Which soup do you want to see at the first Oslo Soup event?
oslo soup
Which Color of Glam'r Gear Do You Like?
Glam'r Gear
I'm looking for viewpoins on crowdfunding. Many, like myself, view it as folks supporting and investing in business, but in small parts, not one big corporate investor. Others view it as "cheating," and if you want the funds to grow your business, then you should only earn them. I'm exploring the possibility of using Patreon or Indiegogo so I can grow SPL Ink and make it the best graphics service out there. But even with solid business coming in, budgeting the extra money to grow will take quite awhile. I also like it because the funders will get something back from me. (prints, original artwork, discounts). I created a poll. Should I try crowdfunding?
SPL Ink: Caricatures and Art by Shane Logan
For our Uni Group Project, we are developing a crowdfunding platform for Scottish Charities. We would like some feedback on colour schemes. The aim of fundRise is to encourage people to donate to local charities and projects online, using elements of fun and focussing on transparency. Please select your preference!
Emma Caldwell
Musicians! If you've crowdfunded a project, which platform did you use?
Cody Harris
Which of the following questions I get asked the most sound interesting to you? (Or add your own)
Olive Hui O
Which type of crowd funding campaign would you be more likely to contribute to?
Curtis Everett Townsend
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