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When could you join me to help?
Jessa Lee Green
PARENTS: Having watched the first episode, would you be interested in watching more of The Tick on Prime Video?
We've hit our $3,000 original goal and we want to reward our backers if we can make it to $6,000. What bonuses do you think we should unlock if we hit our stretch goal?
How often do you buy cell phone accessories?
What does it mean to be the "spiritual head" of a family? Is this primarily a man's responsibility?
Namibian Parenting and Family Life: NPFL
How has your dad helped you?
Adventures of D. C. Britton
Planning to get back into blogging, and I am wondering... what would be helpful and interesting to you?
Lauren Weinberg
Which day for a father and child climbing afternoon? (Followed by a Fathers' beer or two!)
Silverback Projects
For all Parents, which broad topic you love to read or write about your kids and parenting journey? Enter your vote and Share the link if any in comment box below..
Social Kids
Un bébé est la plus belle chose qui puisse arriver à un couple. Cependant, aujourd'hui, il est important de bien planifier son budget. Parents, comment est votre budget pour votre petit bout de chou?
If you are a SINGLE (receives nothing from father: time, money etc...) mother, would love for their CHILD to have a relationship with their FATHER.
Honey Landers
We're thinking of adding more to our tots session, please answer the one you would utilise most.
Jumpin Joseph's Trampoline Park
If you could learn techniques to improve discomfort from teething, constipation, colic and improve relaxation and contentment in babies, would you be interested?
We are introducing a session at 3- 3.50pm on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.What do you prefer?
Gymflix - Gymnastics Club
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