Search Results
What other diagnosis has your child with Selective Mutism been diagnosed with?
Selective Mutism Parent Support
Are you enough strong to withstand the psychosocial impact of Trimethylaminuria?
Trimethylaminuria : metabolic disorder
#WhatDoYouThink? Do phrases like "The weather is so Bipolar Today!" bother you? Take our poll below and read more about the implications of language here:
Marissa Zinsser Hayes
is it wrong to burn incense in the same hallway as an asthmatic person who's also allergic to incense?
Becca Lackie
How did you first learn about Dystonia?
Dystonia Awareness with Missy from SC
We will be opening soon our first Autism store. Which coffee mug would you choose for your morning routine? Please vote.
Hope for Autism
Would you be interested in a video or channel about my experiences with/info about Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Would you be interested in a video or channel about my experiences with/info about Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Would you be interested in a video or channel about my experiences with/info about Dissociative Identity Disorder?
Chloe Wilkinson
How many of my FB friends post more than half of their material, especially alleged photographers, other visual artists and those claiming to be models?
Brian J. Elms
I am doing some research and am wondering if others would feel open to answer or choose one of the following options below that best describes their situation:
McLennan Maxwell
Do you feel deprived when you eat because you are afraid of gaining weight?
Body Love - Brannan Mirr
What is your main health concern right now?
Ana Bogdanovic
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