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"Experiment 93" is officially finished in the Newspaper and online versions, but there was a lot of material that never made it into these versions, especially towards the end. I'm preparing a book version with lots of important revisions and cut material, but before I pour the necessary money and effort into getting it published I need to know if it will be worthwhile. So, if a print version of "Experiment 93" were available would you buy it?
RS Burghardt
¿Les gustaría una serie de videos en el que pruebe (aún no sé si funcione) el grabar una canción usando únicamente una tablet o un teléfono móvil? Les prometo hacer mi mejor esfuerzo para tener un resultado profesional
Pato Sánchez
Which games you would like to play most on this weekend?
Do you think your funny comments gather attention on social media
Tarun Dangwal
Mark Ford
What video should I do next?
Martin Monsi
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