Search Results
Who will you vote for in the general election for President?
The Beer Party
Who will you be voting for President of the United States in 2016?
Dallas Taylor
Who will be the best President?
Joey Russo
What is the main reason you support Bernie Sanders?
Ashley Nicole
Happy holidays everyone! We've got less than a month until the Iowa caucus. Bernie's team has repeatedly said that phonebanking is the most helpful action we can take right now -- reaching out to Democrats in Iowa who may or may not yet know about Sanders and his policies. Let's have a phonebanking party! I figure a weekday evening in a library meeting room for a couple hours would work best, but leave a comment if you think otherwise or if you'd like to host. ARE YOU INTERESTED?
Southern Maryland for Bernie Sanders
I am voting for Sen. Bernie Sanders because I want...
Steven Edwards
A question for Bernie supporters: If Hillary Clinton becomes the nominee instead of Bernie Sanders, are you less inclined to vote in the general election? To be clear, if I still intended to vote, but it would become easier for me to say, "Oh, something's come up, I can't make it", I would answer 'Yes'.
Yossi Katzin
Who will you choose in a 4-Person Race for #POTUS?
Chuck Ball
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