Search Results
FINAL VOTE: Choose One Charity to Support at IHF Member Appreciation Event
Innovative Health & Fitness
We are planning a Fitness and Wellness workshop! it will host area professionals as well as Bar staff. What would you want to see featured at the workshop?
The Bar LLC
What day of the week should our next program take place?
Core Vitality
What classes would you like to see at Phenix Studios?
Phenix Studios
How would you like to get started?
Chad McDole
The founding of Grenga Health happened because I truly want to help people achieve a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and fitness with faith at the core. I fully believe that we can be healthy in all aspects of our life by embracing the uniqueness that God designed in each of us. This means that what works for one person, won't work for another! As I continue moving forward in developing and launching my in-depth faith and fitness plan, I want to try and understand you -my followers- better. This will help me fine tune my program while also being sure I am covering as many of the problems and questions you may have. My detox program has been released for a little while now and I do hear feedback from those in the program -but not those who have decided to skip on the offer. I would love to know why! So here is my question for you... If you haven't purchased my detox program, what is holding you back?
Grenga Health
What Challenge Group would you like more info on for your goals?
Christina- Fitness/Health Coach
What should my first workout program of 2018 be? Yall decide for me, and I will be posting updates throughout the next 3 months.
Bethany Jackson Reeves
For a beginner Spartan, what exercises are your areas of concern in training?
CoreFit by Megan
What is your favourite program on our current timetable?
Dayboro Zumba
What would you like to see more of in Muscle Insider?
Muscle Insider
FACEBOOK POLL! What should be my next workout to kick my butt into shape?? You decide!!
Teri Hagemann
What is your biggest struggle with getting into the physical shape that you desire?
The Fit Life Journal
What topics would best help you on your health and fitness goal?
Hematime Fitness Personal Training
What would you like to see included in my giveaway?
Brenda Brady
Hesitant about trying any more "fitness programs" but have heard a lot about what I'm doing and really want to learn more??
Lindsay Heale
EC's in the development stage of a responsive web application that will mimc the programming used at the studio...please vote for your favorite name!
Be a part of the newest, hottest fitness app soon to be launched by helping us to choose it's name!
Everlasting Changes
Would you participate in a 6 months competition, for best body transformation, to win $1800, under the condition that you buy the mp45 training and nutrition program?
Amal Hantash
If You Could Win A Free Beachbody Fitness Program, Which Would You Choose?
Janice Murphy Roberts
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