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Would you like to fly first and pay later?
Vagrant Guy
You're spontaneously going to go away for a few days' R&R on the beach next week, requiring a flight and hotel booking (no guarantees you'll get a bargain on either on the dates you choose). Assume you do a bit of quick research into availability, you still have to pull the trigger and book stuff at some point. In what order? Do you:
Andrew Goodman
Do you prefer to book holiday logistics yourself or do you prefer someone else to do all the work for you?
Taking to the Open Road
What's your top travel pet peeve?
LBF Adventures
Friday approaching! Which Europe beach destination is your ideal choice to take a dip?
Poll to get holiday companies to have fixed seasonal pricing (so no school holiday hikes) and for Flight companies to offer 30% discounts to people flying back home!
Nadia Di Vuono
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