Search Results
How many times a year do you watch a 3d movie?
Jarrod Franz
We need your help in choosing a new slogan for our new line of blue light blocking computer and gaming glasses. Please vote for the one that speaks to you the most!
What type of Sale would you like to have on Custom Hand Engraved Glasses for the end of Jan to March?
Jenifer Richardson
We need your help deciding on which of these glasses you like the most?
Instant Imprints
Which pair of glasses do you think would make the best pair for a 2nd pair of glasses?
Mickie White
What FRAMES do you like better?
Favorite KIDS Style of Glasses?
Pick your favourites this week!! Same rules apply every vote is entered into a draw:)
Guelph Realtor(R) Andra Arnold
What do you do with your beer festival glasses?
Cyber Beer
Help me pick my new glasses! Polls close at noon
Nicholas Casci
Should George Get These Glasses?
George Smith
Which way do you put your cups and glasses in the cupboard?
Nathan Myers
Did you know you can use your HSA and FSA (Health Savings Account) card to pay for your prescription glasses and contact lenses?
Art For Eyes Optical
Help our friend Melanie find the style she is looking for? Which look do you prefer; Edgy look with #MiuMiu, a sweet look with #Chloe, bold worldly look with #Gucci, or #MCM’s structured professional look?
Avant-Garde Optometry
Which pair of frames do you think I should go with?
Terik King
Do you wear...?
Justin Pier
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