Search Results
What type of decision making skill are you?
Cristina Nina Ricci
Is it important for students to learn the English language in order to have a better and successfull life in Guatemala? Piensa usted que es importante que los estudiantes aprendan el Idioma Ingles para tener una vida mejor y llena de exitos en Guatemala?
Is the English Language important in higher education in guatemala? Es el Idioma Ingles importante en la Educacion Superior en Guatemala?
Saravia Laury
When should you start giving homework?
Saol An Sub
Elaine Teh May Fang
What's Your favourite Type Of Music
Greg Smeaton
Do you feel students home/school work should challenge and engage them?
Melissa Viverito
Is homework super stressful in your home?
Stress Free Parent
Which is your favorite basketball team?
Holli Rescha Gies
How often do you help your kids with math homework in a week?
Mathnasium of St. Charles
Are elementary school students assigned too much homework?
Mrs. M. Corey
What else would you like to see on
What days would you prefer Alex to visit Springfield?
Alex Baylard
Click the Answer that best describes you: ( Haga clic en la respuesta que mejor le describa: )
Frank Congrats
Do you believe NATO is beneficial to the United States?
Cade Bruce
Which is generally more USER FRIENDLY?
Kristina Moore
Do you prefer online newspapers, books, magazines or hard copies?
Bri Marie Brower
ELEMENTARY PARENTS/TEACHERS: What is the ideal homework situation for you and your child(ren), specifically 3rd grade, but could be 2nd or 4th. Thank you!
Tiffany Giusti Salvino
For my Maths homework I need to create a bar chart of your favourite dragons. Please help me by voting. Thank you from Noah
Charlie Thomas
Where would you prefer to go on holiday?
Lewis Pearson
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