Search Results
What is keeping you from joining my team?
Kristi Tucker Fleischfresser
What would you say your number one excuse or reason for not working out is?
What would you say your number one excuse or reason for not working out is?
Melissa Imrie
It's been reported that we may be in for some #snow in the next couple of days!! Is your business prepared for remote working via the #cloud if your employees can't make it to the office?
Pisys.Net Ltd
"The Know It All News" will be conducting a "People's Choice" Award for the hard working people and businesses of South Stormont. For the next few weeks, we will be asking for your help in choosing categories that are important to our community and then later we will be nominating and voting for the individual winners in each category. This poll or survey will be conducted by "The Know It All News" Facebook page. In late August, our winners will be awarded at a special presentation with an award of excellence to display at their workplace. People will be allowed to vote only once with the same e-mail address to try and make this a fair and fun project. Following are some of the suggested categories and once they are chosen, we will be nominating the people and business for each. Nominees will be restricted to a reasonable number as there could be dozens of qualified nominees in any one category. Some suggested categories (Suggest more S.S. based nominees)
The Know It All News
Who could..........???
Amber Faith Douglas
Which topic do you want me to coach on for Episode 100 of Over it and On With It?
Christine Hassler
If I did a facebook online party, would you be able to check it out on a weekday or only weekend?
Chelsy Sue Reed
Do you prefer working remotely ?
Information Technology Job Opportunities by Ambacia
Which video do you like best and why? #1-2 or 3
DiscoAudra Roth
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