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What is the secret of Jewish survival?
Mushka Minsky
איזה סוג הנצחה לעפרה חזה ומורשתה היית רוצה לראות בישראל ובעולם? How would you like Ofra Haza and her legacy to be memorialized in Israel and the world?
Ofra Haza - עפרה חזה
Интересен ли Вам киноклуб онлайн "Кинематограф через Еврейские Линзы"?
Интересен ли Вам киноклуб онлайн "Кинематограф через Еврейские Линзы"?
Jewish Channel Institute
"Hey you Jews!;-)": Cute or Uncomfortable?
Eliza Slavet
How was your Thanksgiving? Take our poll and leave a comment. It may be featured on our next show!
Listen and Laugh
Just before we are starting the new Jewish year we wanted to ask you an extremely important question: What Jewish Holiday is the best in you opinion?
European Jewish Association
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