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What does it mean to be the "spiritual head" of a family? Is this primarily a man's responsibility?
Namibian Parenting and Family Life: NPFL
What are hot topics for your kids?
Quest Martial Arts Academy
Which HR Trend is an important priority in your organization for the next 6 months of the year 2017?
Culturelligence, LLC
Do You Think That There Should be an LGBT Youth Club for Young People in Kingston?
Marcus D Youthworker
How is the Organized Medical Staff Perceived by Most Physicians at Your Hospital?
Cariboo North, who are you voting for as leader of the Liberal Party?
Cariboo North, who are you voting for, to lead the Liberal Party?
Who are you voting for as leader of the Liberal Party?
BC Liberal Riding Association, Cariboo North
În urma unor discuții, vă solicit trei minute pentru a răspunde la următorul sondaj de opinie. Pentru cei cărora nu le este familiar, Sir Clive WOODWARD e un fost jucător și coach de rugby. A fost antrenorul echipei de rugby a Marii Britanii (1997- 2004) și este cel care a dus-o la titlul mondial în 2003, iar pentru meritele sale deosebite în sport a primit gradul de Cavaler. Personal, l-am văzut la un seminar de leadership în Londra și am rămas absolut impresionată de discursul lui concis, aplicat, punctual. Cartea lui prezintă o experiență de excepție în sport și în viață, o poveste despre drumul spre victorie, cu toate greutățile sale. Întrebarea mea este:”Aș fi interesat să cumpăr o astfel de carte dacă ar fi tradusă în română?”. Mulțumesc pentru timp și participare.
Mirela Iacob
I am bringing my Self-Leadership DEvelopment & Goals Setting Workshop to London in April and would like to know if I should run the full day workshop on Friday 20th or Saturday 21st April
The Power Within Training & Development
Help us understand what posts would you like to see at Crystal Talents
Crystal talents
If I had the option, I would enroll in an e-learning program on:
Themar Academy
Скъпи приятели, колеги и партньори, В стремежа си да ви подкрепим в предизвикателствата, които срещате и за да бъдем адекватни към вашите нужди, ще бъдем благодарни да отделите една минута и да отговорите на кратката анкета по-долу. Благодарим ви! Коя от посочените теми е най-важна за вас в момента?
Daniela Piryova
What topic would you love to have discussed in depth here on Morpheus Leadership?
Morpheus Leadership
Here is the final list of leadership candidates. Who would you like to see lead Labour?
Life After Politics
2015 Club Shine Awards
Do you know what a School Site Council is? ¿Sabe que es un Concilio Escolar?
Building Blocks for Kids Richmond
Would you support Labour if Jeremy Corbyn was leader?
Teresa McMahon
Do you trust that your boss will say good things about you even if you're not present?
Lea Brovedani - The Trust Architect
If I Had a Magical Fairy Unicorn to Grant Me 1 Thing that Would Get Me More Clients, I Would Choose
Jessica Eturralde
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