Search Results
National Left-handed Day - Are you a Leftie? *Fun Quiz
What do left-wingers hate the most?
Michael Angelcynn
Name Baby A
Bryon Girone
Which is the predominant side of your ears / hand while taking calls in your mobile phone?
Bharath Gladiato
My Oath for road safety / சாலை பாதுகாப்பிற்கான எனது உறுதி.
Is the word "ignorant" an insult in your opinion?
Is the word "ignorant" an insult in your opinion?
Morgan Story
Let’s get this out of the way todayz Guns, should we...
Would you support Labour if Jeremy Corbyn was leader?
Teresa McMahon
How Do You Hold Your Phone?
Jesse Senior
The Gishwhes Institute of Vital Statistics would like to know how you brush your teeth!
Jessica Sitnik
Do you...
Hannah Gallimore
Which Twix is better?
Noel Pettigrew
So what's the go to talking point about the 18th mass shooting so far this year?
John Brame
Im curious, there are a lot of creative people here. Lefthanded people are creative from the right side of the brain. So aare you left or right handed?
AlteredFabrics Cosplay
Left or Right Twix better tasting?
Mike Soriano
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