Search Results
IOOV is looking to do a group for our 50+ LGBT community members in the Capital Region area. We want to know what dates and times work for you!
In Our Own Voices
You are single and a member of the LGBTQ community in the Charlottesville area. Is dating easy?
Cville Pride
Which day would you prefer to hold the LGBT Meeting on?
Which day would you prefer to hold the LGBT Meeting on?
Would you be interested in attending the current LGBT meetings?
NKCSU - North Kent College Students' Union
Does boycotting North Carolina help the LGBT community?
The UnderCover Monk
Marriage Equality act
Gordo Gamsby
What would you like to see more of from
If we arrange an event, will you:
Rainbow Crows is considering planning a social event before the Preliminary Final. If we organise it, would you come to:
Rainbow Crows
What name is good for an LGBT support group in the redlands?
Noel-John Whipps
Besides Friday & Saturday, if there was a decent venue to go to, what day(s) would you like it to be??
What Would the LGBT Community like to be seeing more of?
Chilled LGBT+ Worcester
This Sunday, my church, Trinity UCC of Waynesboro, will vote on whether to call a new pastor who is openly lesbian. At that time, only members of the church will be able to vote, but now you get to weigh in with your opinion. Tell us how you, the community at large feels. Would you vote to hire a lesbian pastor?
Michael Day
Is it okay to use the new Pride Facebook filter if you're not gay?
Cara Henney
Однополые браки. Как вы к этому относитесь?
Пусть говорят
2015 Club Shine Awards
In-Game Same Sex Marriage, Yes or No?
ShiFu - 37Games
How many of you believe gay marriage should be legalised in Australia?
Evoke Studios - Wedding & Portrait Photography
VOTE NOW For The 2015 MOST PLAYED LGBT Music Artist (On Our Radio Show)
The Various Artists Talent Showcase - LGBT
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