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Forrest Public Library District
"Peeple's Choice" - VOTE for your Favorite! Please vote for ONE Library Peep display for EACH category (Kids, Group, Adult) *There is only one in the Adult category. Voting will close on April 14th
Hesston Public Library
Один раз в месяц PJ Library высылает вам SMS, нужна ли такая рассылка?
PJ Library in Russian - "Пижамная библиотечка"
Architectural Digest says our John C. Hodges library is one of the eight ugliest university buildings in America. What do you think?
University of Tennessee College of Law
Nurse Ratched vs. Darth Vader
Saruon vs. Mr. Burns
Loveland Public Library
What are you most excited about seeing in the Library?
Milaan Be the Change
Que servicio usas mas con nosotros
Biblioteca Sepi Esimez
Do us a favor. Choose three words out of this list that you feel best describe our library staff.
Columbus Metropolitan Library
As a result of the November 14th event: "Paiute Stories," which featured Southern Paiute elders and a linguist working to preserve and promote the Paiute language, I know more about the courage, inventiveness, creativity, and wisdom of indigenous people.
St. George Library St. George, Utah
How do you keep up with your friends and family online?
Brandon Township Public Library
Crystal Lake taxpayers... are you willing to take a $132 a year hit in your property taxes to pay for a new library? …
McHenry County Republican Party
Name Moorhead Library's Meeting Rooms
Moorhead Public Library
Would you like the UB to be opened 24Hrs?
UB 24hrs / University of Groningen
Would you use a library app on your mobile device instead of the library's website?
Sara Elizabeth
After experiencing warmth at the #FraserWalk for #Autism we have decided to do more. We will be contributing $100 (Actual donation amount will be $300) to one of the charity below. Please vote on charity of your choice. Please Cast your vote by April 13th 2017 Noon CST.
Kommuru Books
Which paper do you most often get your library news from?
Mount Pleasant PA Public Library
Please indicate your favourite genres as we use your choice for ordering our First Book Collection
Justbooks Sarjapura Town
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