Search Results
What branded massage merchandise would you wear or use the most?
National Certification Board For Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)
Where do you currently work or want to work as a massage therapist?
Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies, Inc.
Would better opening hours make you more likely to make an appointment at the clinic?
Ebor Sulis
What part of the body do you feel is the most neglected by massage therapists?
The Peppermint Room
Why did you not go back to your last therapist?
Affordable Massage & Yoga Company
Inquiring minds want to know what music do you like to listen to during your massage?
Calming Touch
Hi! I've written a book on how to relieve your neck pain in 3 simple steps. It's especially for people who spend a lot of time at a desk or on the phone. Could you help me choose a title? Which book would you like to read?!?
Serenity Spa
Benefits have been used up or you don’t have coverage. Would you go to a massage therapist who had a certificate but is unregistered for a lesser hourly rate and if so, what price would you find reasonable.
Melanie Risdon-Betcher
if I become a Massage Therapist/Detox Cleanser, would you visit me?
Sa'la Rewan
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