Search Results
What branded massage merchandise would you wear or use the most?
National Certification Board For Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB)
Where do you currently work or want to work as a massage therapist?
Wellington College of Remedial Massage Therapies, Inc.
What type of massage do you like?
What type of massage do you like?
Ari Massage
Would better opening hours make you more likely to make an appointment at the clinic?
Ebor Sulis
What part of the body do you feel is the most neglected by massage therapists?
The Peppermint Room
How can GR Sports Therapy help you better?
GR sports therapy & rehab
On a scale from 1-3 how would you rate your Sportz-Vibe Massage Therapy rug? (1 being the best and 3 the worst)
Linder's Equine Massage Therapy
If you suffered long term pain, would you try a new form of therapy, if it was more effective that any other therapy you have tried?
A Scents of Healing - sponsor ID 1198735
What was the most powerful type of bodywork treatment you have experienced? You can add suggestions
DeepWorks Massage & Manual Therapy
How was your fist massage?
Massage Therapy by Lucy
How many hours of speciality training do you think LMT's should have before practicing Cupping for Massage Therapy in Arkansas?
Coalition For Arkansas Massage Therapy
What Health & Wellness topics do you want to see more of here on Defining Balance?
Lesley Sheppard - Defining Balance
What day works best for you to attend a class taught by me? This class will teach you how to analyze your posture and then learn simple stretches/techniques that you can do yourself or with assistance for self-care. Also, please comment with a time frame that is best on the day you vote for. Thank you!
Sisu Massage & Bodyworks
Hello, friends. Come January, I'll finally be moving to my *oooooown* space in San Marcos, off the 78
Alma Alvarez
What essential oils would you add to your massage experience?
Jessie's Mobile Massage
How much would you pay for a two day weekend up in the mountains by a lake for a retreat, all food and materials supplied?
Loren P. Wilson
How many Iowa cosmetologists think it’s safe to go back to work May 1st
Nancy Danks
Why do you think people don't receive regular massages? (Every 2 weeks to a month)
Why did you not go back to your last therapist?
Affordable Massage & Yoga Company
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