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УБ-н Агаарын чанарын мэдээ иргэдэд хүртээмжтэй, ойлгомжтой байдлаар хүрч чадаж байна уу?
УБ Aгаарын Чанарын Мэдээ / UB Air Quality Info
Should Justin Trudeau step down from his post ?
Judy A Tarrant
If elections where today, who would have your vote for City commissioner of district 1 of Fort Pierce, Florida?
Harold Albury
How familiar are You with marmalade?
Casey Reagan
______ is recycled throughout our planet, while ______ passes through when available.
North Dakota Environmental Sustainability Association
I will consider dating someone who is HIV positive
I think people still discriminate against those who are living with HIV
I think people still discriminate against those who are living with HIV
Baltimore in conversation
Do you stand with or against the radical militant group Black Lives Matter?
Proscribed TRUTH
What is preventing you from adding your Black or Brown business to our directory using our Free Listing Service?
Black Biz
Why is it ok for blacks to say N ?
Go Live Lively
Is 6 months in the police academy sufficient training to become a cop?
Aziza Kibibi
Can you really be an effective African-American activist if you embrace Christianity (a religion taught to slaves by white masters)?
Thandiwe Young
There is a connection between the weather and things going on in the world? Want to know more?
Steve Friesner
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