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Where will you be on Saturday February 13?
Franklin Town NTCOG
Churches today take different approaches toward ministering to men. Some churches believe everything they do should in some manner target men. Others believe there is no need for ministries that target men. This simple poll addresses these thoughts. The question is: Do churches need a ministry that intentionally target men?
Cape Fear Men
In attempt to raise money for school, would you rather see me shave my head or dye my hair a crazy color for two weeks?
Ben Shrack
What do you think should be the priority in #RailwayBudget2016? Latest updates on
YuppTV India
What draws you to the dragonfly ministry website?
Leslie Schonfeld, Speaker, Author, and founder of Dragonfly Ministry
Were the college years the most spiritually critical years of your life in terms of establishing the faith trajectory you are currently on?
Chris Bean
Help us select the next enrichment sessions
Our Marriage Rocks
Do I post too much about Jesus Christ? Answer Honestly.
Brandon Rodgers
I am looking at writing a book on THE ANOINTING, It will cover aspects of the Oil of Heaven and its’ proper application in the church today, Would you rather see it in a written form or a download to your favorite reading app (Kindle, Fire, Etc.)?
Wade McKinney
Which shirt options do you like?
Pulse: Antioch Youth Ministry
What is the best time for Middle School Youth Group to meet?
What is the best time for High School Youth Group to meet?
What is the best time for Middle School Youth Group to meet?
Should Middle School and High School meet together?
What is your ministry title?
Gresha Lewis
We want to know: Should the community offer free programs and activities during summer break months?
GLM, Inc.
Have you read the book
If an E-Course or DVD course is developed about one of these topics, which one of the following would you sign up for?
The Path Life Coaching
I'm turning my attention to the late Lilian Taylor's draft for publication called Women As Intended. What do you think sounds like the best subtitle choice?
Gill Scott
Do you know how to create a POLL using your Facebook Account?
National Association of Catholic Media Partners
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