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Which Star Wars Episode is your favorite?
Lemoore Stadium Cinemas 10
Ok Serious question here! So lets say you know someone that loves really budget horror films on Netfix (Im not saying her name to protect the innocent!) And its a really bad movie! Should they be allowed to put 2-5 stars next to the raring? I'm saying no because it will confuse people that actually look at the ratings to see if its worth watching! Your thoughts please and if you would give a 1 star movie a 2 or above just because you love that style of movie your not allowed to answer lol Thanks
Robert Dean Knipp
Người Kiến và Nhiệm Vụ Bất Khả Thi 5, phim nào bạn thấy hấp dẫn hơn
CGV Marine Plaza Hạ Long
Question: Should I drive 1.5 hours on Sunday to take the kids to see the classic baseball movie "The Sandlot" in the movie theater?
Kevin Bailey
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