Search Results
What is your preferred method of reading a comic/graphic novel?
Shock-n-AAW Productions
So, my mom (who's age I will not divulge ... in her 70's AHEM!!) let it slip that she thinks ASH is the hottest out of all my leading men. Who do YOU think is hottest?
Shannon Mayer
In the last 12 months, have you read and finished a book of 200 or more pages? *audiobooks are irrelevant*
Shauna Engström
Which tourist trap Should Samantha Chase and Sara Humphreys visit on their Road Tripping with Romance book tour route?
Author Sara Humphreys
What name would you prefer for my new readers' group?
Romy Sommer
Which book would you prefer as a weekend read ?
What should we name the fictional hurricane to be featured in THE SEACROFT (sequel to The Seacrest)?
Aaron Paul Lazar
Which would interest you most?
Stephanie A. Cain - Author Page
What is your favorite genre?
Anthony Greer
Tell us what you'd like to see more of on this page.
Fantasy Fiction Addiction
Would you read it if I were to write novels again and publish them?
Angel Dee
When reading sex scenes in a romance novel, what level of detail do you prefer?
The Fire Mage Trilogy by Kate Bloomfield
Help me decide. What novel should I write next?
Keith Rommel
Help name my next Christmas book!
Melissa Tagg
Much of my writing, in novels and games, has been for teens. For teen fiction to be effective, which of the following do you think it must have?
Luke C Jackson Author
Favourite Children's Books
Frankie Cook
For those of you who like reading, what is your format of choice ?
Sylvain Johnson
Do you prefer reading short stories over full length novels?
Author - Dr. Nikita Lalwani
Where do you prefer to buy ebooks?
Where do you prefer to buy ebooks?
Margaret Manchester Author
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