Search Results
"The Know It All News" will be conducting a "People's Choice" Award for the hard working people and businesses of South Stormont. For the next few weeks, we will be asking for your help in choosing categories that are important to our community and then later we will be nominating and voting for the individual winners in each category. This poll or survey will be conducted by "The Know It All News" Facebook page. In late August, our winners will be awarded at a special presentation with an award of excellence to display at their workplace. People will be allowed to vote only once with the same e-mail address to try and make this a fair and fun project. Following are some of the suggested categories and once they are chosen, we will be nominating the people and business for each. Nominees will be restricted to a reasonable number as there could be dozens of qualified nominees in any one category. Some suggested categories (Suggest more S.S. based nominees)
The Know It All News
Vote For This Week's Top 'Trop Rock' Songs (Choose 'Other' If You Do Not See Your Choice)
The Weekly Trop 40
Should Employees Get A Choice of Employee Assistance Program Their Company Provides Them?
Help Now Group #helpnowgroup
Which area could you use the most guidance in your life right now?
Austin Willman
Hey everyone, I need help deciding on what name I should choose for my business now I few in mind but I’m having a hard time deciding. So can you guys help me out and choose which name you think sounds appealing??? Thank you
Albertine Doerue
Choose the core team for the next Government here
Do you want to see the London and Brighton World Naked Bike Rides show their collective support to free UNCONDITIONALLY Stephen Gough aka the Naked Rambler by carrying banners and flyers?
Richard Alexander Collins
(Thursday, 4th June 2015) Choose your Avicii track of the week:
(Thursday, 11th June 2015) Choose your Avicii track of the week:
Fantasy Debate (Friday). Should the UK leave the EU? Choose any 10 debaters,alive or dead.
Steve Sant
Needed help from you guys. Please Choose from the best to worse names. why?
Sean Lim
I wonder how many people choose a different gender in games. Are you:
Freya Mears
If you could only have one, which would you choose?
The Life Coaching Company
ELECTION : Choose your fav art work! // Vælg dit yndlingsværk!
DIAS - digital kunst i offentlige rum
Which cover of my book do you like best? (Help me choose by picking the best)
Jeffery Sparks
Tell us what you'd like to read about. Choose the subjects that you find interesting.
The Msimulizi - Storyteller
Hello Pet Parents! We would love to hear from you! Please choose what pet you wish to be featured for the next coming weeks. Vote now!
Chirpy Pets
Guys, Please help us to choose Best Logo for our Travel Portal
Guys, Please help us to choose Best Logo for our Travel Portal
Travel Recourse
Choose your new kart design for 2015-2016
Karting Eupen: Pure Racing Experience
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