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Motor City Bhangra Competition
Vote for the best hashtag for the CSC RO5 Investors in People (IiP) Bronze Accreditation. Note: You may also suggest other hashtags via the comments, and we will add those to the poll. #hashtagpamore
CSC Bicol Human Resource Division
What do you prefer for Nepal to be?
Kirte Piané
Game apa yang kalian mau gue mainin di Next RPG Puzzle Horror Games!
Reza Oktovian
Who was the most famous personality of Mira Road in year 2015?
Mira Bhayandar
"The Know It All News" will be conducting a "People's Choice" Award for the hard working people and businesses of South Stormont. For the next few weeks, we will be asking for your help in choosing categories that are important to our community and then later we will be nominating and voting for the individual winners in each category. This poll or survey will be conducted by "The Know It All News" Facebook page. In late August, our winners will be awarded at a special presentation with an award of excellence to display at their workplace. People will be allowed to vote only once with the same e-mail address to try and make this a fair and fun project. Following are some of the suggested categories and once they are chosen, we will be nominating the people and business for each. Nominees will be restricted to a reasonable number as there could be dozens of qualified nominees in any one category. Some suggested categories (Suggest more S.S. based nominees)
The Know It All News
How long did it take to be matched with a first/birth mother?
Who would you vote for?
The Planet For USA
Just shared an UberPool with a woman who's husband has been Trump's helicopter pilot for 33 years. Who do you think she's voting for? (Will reveal answer later after votes tallied)
Joanna la Fleur
Favourite Crumpet Topping??? (Most BRITISH poll of the year)
Jony Smoke
Do Madras high court have power in tamilnadu or not
Polls of Tamilnadu
We need your help. We are looking into new payment methods for one to one clients and for the products we sell at classes. We would be very interested in learning how you would prefer to pay for those services. Please can we ask you to fill in the quick poll to help us? Thank you Rachael and Liam
The Haven Dog Centre
What’s India’s biggest problem?
Anupam Sharma
Should we have a polls about ...polls. Given recent examples have proved to be a lot lot more than just a little bit wrong.
Nate Micógue
What are your "thoughts" about Di Yangela Redford ?
Di Yangela Redford
What color below do you like the best?
Kelly Jo
POLL: Which of the following types of movies do you prefer to watch when you are at home? #iflixask
How do you intend to vote in the Same-Sex Marriage Referendum 2015?
Opinion Polls
Who do you like best
Jess Barker
Who is your favorite Slytherin?
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