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Which of these Political Parties do you believe listen to Voters and represent your and your families needs? (you can select more then one)
Australian Country Party: Which of these Political Parties do you believe listens to Voters and represent your and your families needs? (you can select more than one)
Australian Country Party
Sunday political programs invite viewers to hear politicians' rationale for public policy, alongside their rationale for the political behavior of their party. Instead of creating a forum in which that can be featured, most political shows create a forum for listening to sound bite sized talking points, which likely were written for them. Would you prefer seeing politicians in a face-to-face format, where they are challenged and made to answer each others' allegations?
John Smith
Who are you supporting for President as of today Wednesday Feb. 10th?
Leslie Ann Howard-Redweik
आप आगामी उ.प्र विधानसभा चुनाव में अपना वोट किस पार्टी को देंगे???कृपया पोल में अपना मत जरूर दें।
Abhinav Yadav
Who Is Going To Be Win in 2019 Election?
రాజకీయ సమాచారం
Do you side more with Republicans or Democrats?
Caas Carby
Should Australia follow the lead of Canada and Finland by phasing out coal fired power stations by 2030?
Australian Democratic Voice Party
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