Search Results
Which channel gets the first post? (Second place gets 2nd week, etc.)
Darrious Naitomea Stone
How far do you travel to your art or music studio?
Maria Weeks
As a parent of high school student, What do you feel are the MOST IMPORTANT subjects?
Melissa Viverito
What would you like to read about?
Would you be willing to lie to a court for a close friend if it mean saving your friend from going to jail for life?
Live Laugh Love - Seychelles
Si tienes, o tuvieras una empresa y estás realizando entrevistas para contratar a un gerente, ¿contratarías a una persona calificada para el puesto y con tatuajes?
Dali vam se sviđa ova stranica
Asmir Grbic
SONDAGEM LEGISLATIVAS - Em quem vai votar do dia 4 de outubro?
Do We Need Art in Our daily Lives?
CASA Professional illustrators
If Artistic Rebuttal wanted to teach a "Using Your Art as Activism" class in a small workshop environment, who would be interested?
Artistic Rebuttal
If language was British access peace with which country would you opt an enrich tongue French or Spanish? one of business matters (sensual) or is so the arts (cultured).
Glenn Nicholas
I think it critical that we prioritize and focus on key issues Fayetteville will have to address in the next few years. Help me set our priorities by selecting the issue(s) most important to you. Your voice matters! -Tracy
Tracy K. Hoskins
Which is the best courses department in college
Which is the best courses department in UV colleges?
University of the Visayas - UV Students News
More Brutal Metallica 1991 vs 2016
Ink'd Metal Radio
Sondaggio n.2 Campione Facebook: solo area di San Vito Lo Capo. DIRETTA STREAMING Sedute Pubbliche del Consiglio Comunale. Il Gruppo di Studio sul funzionamento del Consiglio Comunale di San Vito Lo Capo ha posto la propria attenzione al Regolamento di questo Organo (All. A Delibera C.C. n. .74 del 29.11.1999). L’Art. 32 comma 1, prevede già talune occasioni in cui è possibile effettuare registrazioni audio e video ai fini della sola attività documentale del Comune. L’autorizzazione per tali riprese è soggetta alla decisione del Presidente del Consiglio. E’ di pubblico dominio, altresì, che la Diretta Streaming è già realtà in molti Comuni del Trapanese da alcuni anni. Saresti favorevole alla Diretta Audio e Video del Consiglio Comunale di San Vito Lo Capo ?
Movimento 5 Stelle San Vito Lo Capo
¿Cuales son los cinco principios para forjar soluciones?
Alvaro Umpierrez
Choose your favourite name for my kickstarter project
Katie Bowden
Tell us what kind of ART would you be interested for us to make your shirts. Write down your preferable design in comment section if you are interested in something else so we can create come up with more designs for you. Feel free to add what you would like on your shirt
Stitch And Print Sdn Bhd
Calgarians! We're gearing up for the Great Soup Debate for Ward 8 on September 30th, and we want to know what issues are most important to YOU. Results will be shared with the candidates before the event - and if you don't see your #1 issue listed below, please add it to the comments!
Killarney-Glengarry Community Association
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