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Should Australia follow the lead of Canada and Finland by phasing out coal fired power stations by 2030?
Australian Democratic Voice Party
Who are your Favourite Renewable or Alternative Energy Innovators?
Today the Federal Government announced a carbon emissions reduction target of 26% by 2030. The Opposition is calling for a 50% target. Which position do you support?
Which carbon emissions reduction target do you support?
ומה אם... נובל אנרג'י תתחייב על צינור נוסף, על הפעלת לויתן, תוריד מחיר לשוק הישראלי ל- 3 דולר, תייצא כמה גז שהיא רוצה, תקבל 60% תמלוגים ו- וזה הו'- החשוב: תתחייב להשקיע בהסבת משק האנרגיה הישראלי למשק מבוסס כולו על אנרגיה מתחדשת עד 2030??,7340,L-4731784,00.html
Orya Amit
Would you a rather go SOLAR or stay with ESKOM?
How important do you think nuclear energy will be in meeting the Philippines' electricity needs in the years ahead? Do you think nuclear energy will be very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all?
Clean Energy Philippines
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