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Do you think Caste Based Reservation is outdated?
ജാതി സംവരണത്തെ നിങ്ങള് അനുകൂലിക്കുന്നുവോ?സാമ്പത്തിക സംവരണം അനിവാര്യമല്ലേ?
Say No To Caste-Based Reservation
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Kanbi maratha Aandolan
Lohana community leaders have officially supported the demand of Patidar Community for reservation quota. Do you support this decision?
Lohana Parivar
Should "caste based reservation" be removed from India?
Chetan Patel
What should be the basis of reservation in India?
INDIA United
The nation is at cross roads again... this time for the issue of caste based quota reservation in jobs and education. This time from a rather well-to-do and influential section of society from prosperous state of Gujarat. It's timely that we should take a relook at how do we view this system.
For the people, by the people
क्या आप आरक्षण को जड़ से ख़त्म करना चाहते हैं ?
AashuTosh Varshney
Is reservation necessary in the Private Sector?
Jagadheeswaran Dhakshinamoorthy
Do you can see N.MODI JI to get die , before he makes INDIA ,reservation free Country .
Amit Rawat
क्या आप sc/st एक्ट का विरोध करते है?
Old question paper
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