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"Experiment 93" is officially finished in the Newspaper and online versions, but there was a lot of material that never made it into these versions, especially towards the end. I'm preparing a book version with lots of important revisions and cut material, but before I pour the necessary money and effort into getting it published I need to know if it will be worthwhile. So, if a print version of "Experiment 93" were available would you buy it?
RS Burghardt
What is your favorite aircooled RS?
Porsche Specials
Да ли подржавате формирање Удружење пчелара Југославије под овим називом?
Pcelarstvo Novkovic Banja Luka
Do you agree, the additional debt of Rs 86,845 Crores will be useful through creation of assets such as irrigation projects, roads, Mission Bhagiratha and so on, which will boost the overall development of the state in the long run and re-viving the rural economy by distributing lakhs of sheep to Yadavs/ Kuru-mas, releasing lakhs of fingerlings in tanks and reservoirs to provide em-ployment to the fishing community and encouraging hereditary-based professions
Da se danas odrzavaju lokalni izbori u Kragujevcu za koga bi ste glasali?
Ђорђевић Владимир
Da se danas odrzavaju lokalni izbori u Kragujevcu,ZA KOGA BI STE GLASALI???
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