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Hey folks - it's my birthday. Whilst I'm grateful for any happy wishes you might have for me - what I'd REALLY like is a pledge from you to make a wee effort to help stem and reverse climate change! You can read more here:
Cormac Booth
Ivvota għall-aqwa save tax-xahar ta' Novembru 2017 tal-Kampjonat Premier, f'rokna sponsorjata minn Betsson Group. Il-votazzjoni se tibqa' miftuħa sa nhar it-Tnejn, 4 ta' Diċembru fis-7pm u r-rebbieħ jitħabbar waqt il-programm Replay Ikompli fuq Radio 101 dak il-ħin stess.
Replay (Net Television)
ေရႊတိဂုံေစတီေတာ္ႀကီး အနီး မွာ အိမ္ရာစီမံကိန္း ႏွင့္ ဟိုတယ္ စီမံကိန္းမ်ား ေဆာက္လုပ္ရန္
Save Yangon
Which Song is Star Eagles is the best to you?
Star Eagles Official
Do you think our Constitution should be re-written ?
Rupam Banerjee
Donate Blood, Save Life. Share your blood group.....
The Financial Express Bangladesh
Who will save Kanyakumari Districts' 1500 ponds?
Kanyakumari Calling
If you child or baby is choking, what is the best course of action?
Child & Baby First Aid Ltd.
We're still teamed up with PrintReleaf to replace the trees used to print our magazine, and we want to know...where should we plant replacement trees? Vote now, and in one month, we will determine the top vote-getter and send that choice to the folks at PrintReleaf.
Omaha Magazine
Shall we go straw free? Recent research shows they have a massive impact on the environment. They are in the top 10 of marine debris.
The Tempest Inn
Do you recycle?
Should the government eliminate vapor alternatives to smoking ?
Bee Greene
Should density be increased to allow StoneRidge Golf course to be developed into single family homes?
John McConnin 4 Poway City Council
What Rovu Save File you are using Merc 32k dmg and SH seperate or combine
Rovu Hack
How to save West Bengal??
Dushyant Pratap Singh
Would you love to join my campaign for making our Oceans clean and unpolluted?
Oceanica Invitee
Do you believe our NHS will be on the table in a US -UK trade deal?
How do you feel about our NHS being included in a trade deal with the US?
Lucette Davies
Which Scrip Workshop are you attending??
ECCS Scrip Program
Which would you rather use?
Exclusively Wellness
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