Search Results
WFRI is planning a fundraising event in the spring. Please tell us what you might be interested in attending if your schedule allows and the price is right. Check all that apply.
Women's Fund of Rhode Island
Would you be interested to mark #InternationalWomensDay on March 8th, by attending a policy event: 'The Impact of Community Education on the Lives of Women' that is being organised by AONTAS? The event will highlight the purpose and value of community education for learners and wider society, and stress the need for long-term and sustainable funding to ensure its ongoing existence. It takes place from 10am - 1.30pm on Friday, 8th March at the Richmond Education and Event Centre in Dublin. More information can be found here:
KWETB Community Education
Does your business or organization have an online presence?
Knox County Texas Events
When would you be available / most likely to be able to attend a free weekly one hour yoga class held near UC Berkeley campus?
Hannah Gardenhaus
Which is the Biggest Utsav of your life for you?
Utsav Residency
Which HYP Board Member position would you like to be elected for?
Helena Young Professionals (HYP)
Do you find citizen journalists insensitive to victims of the event the journalists are taking pictures/videos of?
The rise of Citizen Journalism - The Public Eye
What online media challenges are you experiencing now?
Brick House Media Co
How often do you tweet/write about news stories and events?
Evolving Journalism
Which event would you be more interested in on April 1st, Friday ?
Gulhan Cakcak Miller
Care denumire o considerați relevantă pentru un program de mentorat, cu participarea tinerilor cu nevoi speciale?
DARE Social Fashion Show
PIMP MY SOUP - Which soup do you want to see at the first Oslo Soup event?
oslo soup
Only 2months left in year so was thinking maybe I should change my deaf social to 2nd Sunday every month instead of Saurday. Can't do Friday bc that interferes with New Braunsfel Deaf social and a lot of DNO events. Which do my friends prefer
Sherrill Marshall Wehnes
What day do you prefer the #EdMedia (June 20-23) Riverboat Tour in DC? *Scheduled after sessions*
What would you like to see more of on the RNRMC Facebook page?
Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity
What type of regular get together would you attend?
Missy Greets
Pick your favourite drink for our Super Summer Sale on May 28th !!
Kraken Counter Couture
এই রমজানে পথ শিশুদের মুখে হাসি ফুটাবার জন্য এবং ঈদ এর আনন্দ ওদের সাথে ভাগ করার জন্য কি করা যেতে পারে?
Choose the one from the list below is interesting to you for the networking event on 16th Aug
Molly Jci Southampton
Choose from the list below to show your interests on activities for the Networking Event on 16 August
JCI Southampton
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